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Savannah Jewell White is a painter based in Memphis, Tennessee. She discovered her love for art as a child growing up in Memphis. Today, the city continues to provide her with an abundance of artistic inspiration. Savannah’s artworks also draw from her extensive international travels.

From Brazil to Croatia, the travel bug is not simply adventure for White but inspiration. Her intellectual curiosity and cultural inhaling takes shape and is expressed in her paintings— some more abstract, some more representational, all breathing a spirit of irrepressible wonder in fluid color and motion. The influence of her time abroad is vividly present in her more recent paintings. Whether she’s treading across new territory or frequenting familiar spaces, Savannah has a unique knack for approaching every encounter with fresh eyes and enthusiasm.

“I see so much when I travel, both beauty and despair; it shapes my perspective and who I am. Painting is the best way I know to share the experience of this kind of awakening. I am ever learning how much I don’t know about the world, and it is an exhilarating thrill.”

Self-Taught Painter

Self-taught as a painter, White’s forays into fashion and experience with photography help shape her ability to capture expression.


Through her art, Savannah aims to capture the fleeting sensations and beautiful details of the world around her, allowing others to get caught up in her sense of adventure with the hope that they, too, will seek out a change of scenery, or at least a new perspective.



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©2024 by Savannah J White. Web Design and Development by mndfl media

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